Titan Exam: Level 2

Welcome to the Titan Exam

This exam is intended to test your knowledge of the Titan software.

There are a lot of questions of different types covering topics across the console.

This exam is ‘open book’, that means you are allowed to use the course notes, a console or software to answer the questions.


  • While it is possible to cheat this exam by googling an answer, calling someone or asking for help, the result will then not be a true reflection of your knowledge.
  • Cheating will only hurt you in the long run, so try to take the exam honestly.
  • Anyone found to be deliberately cheating the exam will have their grade disqualified and their name will be removed from the website.


It may be some time since you took an exam, so here are some tips to help you out.

Click on each tab below for a new tip.

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